
WFP begins aid airlift to Mogadishu

The UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has begun to airlift emergency food supplies to famine-struck Somalia.
The first flight, with 10 tonnes of nutritional supplements for children, has landed in the capital Mogadishu, an African Union official told the BBC.
Millions in Somalia and across the Horn of Africa face dire food shortages in the worst regional drought for decades.
The Islamist al-Shabab militia, which controls much of Somalia, has banned the WFP from its areas.
The delivery was to have begun on Tuesday but was delayed from leaving Kenya by bureaucratic hurdles.
Challiss McDonough, a spokeswoman for the WFP, said the 10 tonnes of Plumpy'nut, a peanut-based paste high in protein and energy, would be enough to treat 3,500 malnourished children for one month.
Given the demand for food aid in Somalia, the delivery is just a drop in the ocean, says the BBC's East Africa correspondent Will Ross, in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Plumpy'nut was flown from France to Kenya on Monday.
More flights were planned for the coming weeks, Associated Press news agency quoted Ms McDonough as saying.
After criticisms that wealthy Arab states were not doing enough to help with the crisis, Saudi Arabia has pledged $50m (£30m) to the WFP to buy food for Somalis, the UN agency has said.
It follows an announcement from the European Union that it would donate $40m on top of the $61m it had already given the drought-hit region of East Africa this year.


Beautiful Spain

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