
Roof Of The World Tibet

Tibet is the birthplace of many Asian rivers, and a unique climate, history and culture,it be influenced by Buddhism stronger, if you like mystery, Buddhism and the things about religion, you must go to Tibet, ti is a good choose.

Lhasa, the historic capital of Tibet, situated on the north bank of the Kyi-chu River. Not only its World Cultural Heritage-Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple and Norbulinka in Lhasa, but also its people have a distinct identity. Tibetan people's language, diet, dress and way of life are unique.

The mysterious land of Tibet is an experience like no other. Trek through the cardinal palace as well as isolated small mountain villages, explore temples and monasteries, and encounter friendly people of exotic cultures, all of this offer a fascinating glimpse of traditional religious life, all the while surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

